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Josh Weinhaus

My gear intake area now


Josh Weinhaus, 8/22/2020

I think like most of us freelancers I was more nervous (than usual) to see how my summer schedule would book up, to put it mildly. Having been on an international shoot in Switzerland around the end of February, news began seeping out of Wuhan China of a mysterious flu virus that was killing quickly and spreading rapidly. With an elderly mother, and father who passed recently on a ventilator, I took this seriously from the jump. I self quarantined after getting back from the shoot. I was covering a prestigious, and very crowded worldwide economic conference for a well known publication, and needless to say I was weary of exposure, even then.

As jobs canceled and the email inbox crowding slowed to a manageable level, I even began turning down work myself ( I know what@?!) that would require travel to hotpot areas at the time. Mind you this was also the peak in the New England and New York areas, where a large sum of my work occurs. A solid few months went by without work. As more information came out, and the folks around here seemed to initially abide by quarantining and social distancing.

A few clients began reaching out and dates began being penciled with potential jobs and while more than usual wound up cancelling or rescheduling, id did seem that some sense of normalcy was returning. AS the Marines say, "Ip[improvise, Adapt, Overcome" We know the virus can survive on surfaces and be airborne, so we wear masks and wipe down all gear. Crews are measurably smaller and one-man-banding is returning to a normal practice for smaller shoots. With a small production company's worth of gear, I am happy to oblige.

Massachusetts number are far lower and we've passed the peak.Understanding the risks better and the conditions in which Covid spreads, we can proceed cautiously and mindfully. Hopefully, as things slowly return to some sense or normal we can return to larger crewed production, I know previously cancelled or delayed Hollywood productions are returning to the east coast this September.

Stay safe, and happy shooting!





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